We rented alternative channels for informal musical distribution, following the most common practices for the delivery of popular music produced at home-studios. Taxis played the demo in the music selection they use to play for their clients. We also hired the services of an “counter legal” (alegal) flyer distribution agency, with the arrangement that they would play the Demo out loud on their mobile device as they visited Havana’s urban areas. The Demo’s inclusion in the Paquete Semanal* along with the latest Cuban music productions takes the distribution to the national level.

We are in the planning stages for future distribution possibilities, including the potential of live performances in various music venues around Havana.

*The Paquete Semanal is a means of informal distribution offline with national reach and a size up to 1 terabyte. This digital phenomenon is an alternative means of information sharing that thrives under the complicit silence of Cuban society. The Paquete is updated weekly, and its cost is equivalent to two dollars. Its circulation is underground.

Private and public transportation (taxis and buses).
Outline of the Paquete Semanal.
Flyer distribution.